Do crystals really work Do crystals really work? Thu, 21 Jun 2018 12:10:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194736480 Do crystals really work Wed, 20 Jun 2018 11:05:25 +0000 Crystals – do they really work?

I mean really work? And how?

I’m on a mission to find out because here’s mine:

healing crystal
Do crystal really work? Mine does.

Here’s the thing – if my house caught fire and I could only save one thing from the flames, it would be my crystal. Nothing else would come near.

And that’s a thought that utterly perplexes me.

But here’s the rub of it – whenever I feel low or can’t find any motivation, I pick my crystal up, hold it, pass it from hand to hand and carry on with whatever I was doing…

…and it gives me energy. Clarity of mind. It’s a real pick me up.

But there’s another side to me saying, “Don’t be silly – it’s just a rock”.

So do crystals really work?

Logically, I want to say ‘no’ – but I wouldnt be without mine. How odd is that?

I don’t even know which crystal mine is. I bought it years ago, around 2004. And it’s been with me ever since.

And that’s something else I find bizarre. How did I choose this one? How did I subconsciously pick this one up, and feel, “Yep, this is the one I need”.

What was my body and soul lacking that was soothed by this crystal?

Whatever is was, it worked: I’ve held on to my crystal ever since. And still do to this day.

Yet there’s no scientific research to back up that crystals really work. How can that be when people have been using them for hundreds and hundreds of years to heal?

Now bear in mind, I still feel foolish about picking up my rock when I need an emotional pick me up – but not so much that I don’t do it. I do it everyday – that’s how much I get from my crystal.

So I thought I’d find out as much as I can about crystals, which one mine is, which ones would also help me and how they have helped other people.

And I’m going to do this safe in the knowledge that I won’t find any scientific research to back it up – but you’ve only got to google crystals to find pages and pages of stories who have have had their lives transformed by healing crystals.

For me, there are still too many things in this world that can’t be explained by science, if healing crystals are one of those things, that’s fine by me, because I’m keeping hold of mine.

Here’s the first youtube I came across when I tapped in ‘do crystals really work’. Interesting to see the reporter felt like she was in a ‘calm crystal santuary’ – but is it just a placebo? And even if it is, is that a bad thing if it makes you feel better?

Anyhow, my first port of call is going to be what crystal mine is, and why / how I would have chosen it.

Here’s what I’ve found out so far. Some of it does sound very new age mumbo jumbo to me – but the more I find out, the less I think that, as you’ll read.

From what I can gather, it’s all down to the frequency the cells in our body vibrate at. If they are out of sync, our well being is affected. Emotionally, mentally and physically, we suffer.

People believe crystals positively influence our cells vibrations – different crystals vibrate at different levels, depending on the composition and colour.

This is why people are drawn are to different crystals.

There’s no question I was drawn to the crystal I have – so what it is?

I think it is a black tourmaline (but I could be wrong).

So what are the benefits of black tourmaline, and does it fit in with how the crystal makes me feel?

Here’s what a quick google found out:

  • Black Tourmaline is also a powerful protector against energy vampires…
  • Black Tourmaline works like a sponge, soaking up all the negative energy that surrounds it…
  • Black Tourmaline is a disinfectant for the soul…
  • Black Tourmaline crystal stone is also one of the most powerful minerals for absorbing electromagnetic radiation, which makes it excellent for placing near computers and other electronics…

I could be way off beam because I don’t know for sure my crystal is a black tourmaline, but here’s the thing.

I pick it up when I need a little energy boost.

I pick it up when I’m feeling a little bit down.

And for some reason the place where I keep it, is on my PC – have a look for yourself:

black tourmline healing crystal
Why did I end up keeping my crystal on my PC? Coincidence?

One half of my is thinking this is just coincidence (and I don’t know for sure that it is black tourmaline)– but the other half of me is saying, “If this is just new age mumbo jumbo, how come you found a home for it on your PC?”

I’ll keep you all posted.

Oh, and if any of you have been helped / soothed / healed by a crystal please get in touch pm me or comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

